February 7, 2010

Dumb & Dumber...or Lazy & Lazier?

This image is based on one of the funniest movies of all time (in my opinion). Lets be honest now, I ain't no Albert Einstein but I'm sure that even he would agree that "dumb" happens. To all of us, at some point of the day, week, month, etc.
Harry: Hi, Lloyd.
Lloyd: Hi, Harry.
Harry: How was your day?
Lloyd: Not bad. Fell off the jet way again.

I could put quotes from the whole movie and still be laughing by the time we get to class on Thursday.

We all have our "dumb" moments and to say that it's the Internet's fault is absurd. I'd argue the advent of the internet has opened the gateway to information sharing that could never be opened otherwise through books, newspapers, magazines, etc.

They say information is power, right? Then the Internet is the tool of choice. We now have the ability to communicate and collaborate with people half way around the world thanks to the internet.

Now, has it made us a bit lazy? Yes, I for one will admit that. But lazy is not the same as being dumber or a lack of due diligence. So instead of looking for information in the library for days or weeks before an assignment is due, I know can do it the night before if I wish. That makes me lazy, not dumber.

The Internet has given us information at our fingertips, at times too much information. But that's not Google's or Microsoft's fault. One can argue that's their job. It's my job to ensure I read, use, and cite work properly. It's called Copyright law.

Technology, for the most part, brings efficiencies of scale. Makes what seemed fantasy before now reality. It's supposed to make our lives easier per se, which in turn makes us lazier not dumber.


Riley, Duncan. Nobel Laureate Says The Internet Makes Us Dumb, We Say: Meh. December 9, 2007.

The Bryant Park Project. Is the Internet Making Us Stupid? June 16, 2008.

Image from: IMP Awards


  1. I love that movie too! But obviously not as much as I do not remember any quotes :)
    Honestly, I do not know how the on-line reading can substitute a book reading. It's such a different experience! Also, why people blame kids for not reading enough. Kids generally mirror the behavior of their parents, don't they? I know that my liking reading books and newspapers totally comes from seeing my parents every evening with a book or a newspaper in their hands when I was a kid. Why don't we just ask parents to "lead by example"?

  2. Such an awesome movie. I agree with you, if anything the internet has allowed our society to grow and learn - it certainly has not made us any 'dumber'. It's all what you make of it!

  3. I think the problem is people take examples of stupidity, blanket the rest of the nation with a stereotype, and call it a day. I have yet to see any hard numbers proving these kinds of points.

  4. Awesome memories of this movie!

    I agree with you; I do not agree that the Internet is making us dumber.

    Right now we use our fingertip to laptop to Google, but according to the book 'Radical Evolution' we will use thought to brain microchip implant to Google. So though it could be called laziness, it really is the early form of brain enhancements.
